Multi-Disciplinary Project Coordination and Leadership

Environmental Assessment (EA) & Permitting

Lead EA multi-disciplinary teams and support project submission

  • Design and management of baseline environmental studies
  • Manage and lead EA technical reviews for mining, pipelines, infrastructure, for Indigenous and proponents
  • Budget control and contractor/specialist selection
  • Indigenous engagement
  • Navigation and fulfillment of regulatory and permitting requirements
  • Liaise with impacted and interested stakeholders
  • Design and implement EA baseline studies and develop mitigation strategies

Full-Spectrum Research & Development and Technical Advisory Services

  • Statistically driven study design, implementation, monitoring, analysis and reporting
  • Gap analyses and technical reviews
  • Biodiversity management planning
  • Reclamation and mine closure planning including end land-use development
  • Experts at incorporating First Peoples traditional knowledge with western science to develop positive solutions to issues in environmental management
  • Environmental and social monitoring

Environmental & Social Performance Planning, Delivery and Assurance

  • Identify, manage and reduce environmental and social risks
  • Stakeholder engagement strategy reviews to ensure impacted stakeholder concerns, issues and needs are mitigated throughout project lifecycle
  • Impacts to Indigenous peoples rights are assessed, considered and minimized
  • Review social impact assessment and management mitigation measures address human rights, community development, culture and heritage, and resettlement
  • Implementation plans and assurance activities including verification and audits